Saturday, 31 May 2014

Friday, 30 May 2014

Mr Mercedes - Getting Excited!

I just remembered that Stephen King's new book is out on Tuesday. I have already come out as a huge fan-boy, so it will come as no surprise that I am a bit excited.
If only I could shut myself in for a day and ready it through. I supposed I shall have to go to work though, and read it on the train.
His publicists have released this 'trailers', with more to come over the nest few days. Blatant advertising I know, but they are pretty cool. They are 'read' by characters from some of his novels.
What do you think?

Mr Mercedes introduced by Danny from The Shining from Hodder & Stoughton on Vimeo.

Mr Mercedes introduced by Carrie from Hodder & Stoughton on Vimeo.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Joyland - Another Stephen King Triumph

I only just got around to reading this. This is very late for me; I normally jump on the latest Stephen King within hours of publication. I actually think it was the cover that put me off. I am by no means saying that I am one of those people that thinks King is all about the horror, and can't bare it when he starts raving about baseball.
Far from it.
Stephen King is all about the writing, and Joyland is yet another magnificent piece of work. With themes of serial murder and prescience, it is a coming-of-age tale set in an entirely believable world of  the Joyland Funfair in North Carolina. Littered with carny-talk, the character led story is impossible to put down. The suspense gradually climbs; from the tumult of new love and break up, through the shivers of a ghost-story, to a classical climactic ending, worthy of Hitchcock.
I am clearly biased. I am a huge SK fanboy. But this is one of the best.
Read it now!